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Vocaloid Super Stars

It’s easy to see why AR and VR trends continue to grow within the music industry as they continue to stretch the boundaries of your typical music events, revelers can now see their favourite fictional characters come to life right before their very eyes! The introduction of Vocaloid has seen two particularly popular Anime characters come to life on stage; including Hatsune Miku and Luka.

Hatsune Miku and Luka

Released as part of the Funko Fair 2021 drops Pop in a Box bring to you the very latest in the Pop! Animation series; fans of the virtual pop stars will be delighted to see Hatsune Miku and Luka reimagined into the cutest of Funko Pop! Vinyls! Know a fan of the latest virtual Anime craze, or simply a fan yourself shop Vocaloid Funko Pop Vinyls with Pop in a Box today!